31 days To Live Like it''s Your Last: Day 2
The last few days have been trying with my sons. I haven't been in the enjoyment mode. I'm in the lets just survive today and maybe tomorrow will be better frame of mind. Today they seem to be a bit better. We are still struggling but the load feels lighter. I'm sitting here thinking about how I can't go through another day like I have been. I can't keep up this pace I'm losing my sanity. Now here I am writing about what would I do if it were my last day today. Is this who I want my children to remember me as? Is this how I want them to think on me for years? Do I want them to think that they had made me so upset that there is no way I could love them when I passed? Yes I am upset I'm roaring like a lion and I'm making them spend time in their beds. I'm hoping a resting time will answer their unrest but I don't want to be roaring. I don't want to upset them. So if this was my last day how can I salvage it? How can I grasp it and live it even though it's tough?
I'm going to start by getting off of here. I'm going to go in their room and help them clean it up. We are going to enjoy breakfast together even cook it together because we love to cook together. I'm going to spend some time curled up and read them some more of Treasure Island and I'm going to break through their disobiedience by loving them through it instead of roaring. Today I'm going to be proactive and not reactive. I can do this with the strength of God as my shield I can change my behavior today and we can work through this hump.
Are you struggling today? Lean on God with me. He can get you through anything. I know my struggles are small compared to some but no matter the size of your mountain God is there and will lead you. Your faith in him can move mountains of any size.
I'm off now please leave me a comment letting me know what you are doing today.
With much love,
My boys with their chocolate almond milk moustaches :)
Update: It's 12:38 and we are done with our brunch now, the room is clean and we are heading into nap time. We kept our cool and their behavior is much better! Pumpkin is exhausted for some reason and I hope he takes a good nap. After nap time we will be reading our book. I'm so glad we are working on this!
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