So I have been taking a lot of pictures thought I would share some with you here.
Pumpkin is playing one of the file folder games. This one has cards that have either a fruit or a vegetable and they have to sort them into the right buckets. He of course is not that good at it but he has fun sliding them in and out of the buckets and with time he will figure it out. All of these games I found online at different sites I saved the list and will give credit later since it's on my other computer.
Monkey loves this game. This file folder game is actually two in one. Since they had the same animal pictures I just put them together. For the younger children they have the magnifying glass to look at the tiny pictures and match them with the larger ones. For Mr A there are cards with the names of the animals and he has to match them up (he also loves to do the magnifying) I really need to get a set of small flat magnifiers they would fit in the folder and be easier to carry around with us.
Mr A playing the Dino Bones file folder game. In this one the bones have addition and subtraction problems on them. After he figures out the answer he has to count the dots on the dinosaurs to find the match.
Here is Mr. A practicing with the Tag reader. We love our Tag reader!
These are the bird houses I have been talking about but unable to take pictures of. They are so cute. I need to put new sticks in them but otherwise they are holding up well. I did take them down off the tree while we where having the crazy weather but they are now back out there. We've had a few friends visit us already.
This is a cloud that came by one day me and the boys thought it looked like a gingerbread girl :)
I was tired of the toys being in a laundry basket so I bought this to corral them all better. You wouldn't believe how many toys are in this thing! Of course I have them all organized by type lol. I bought two more drawers (I had grabbed single cream bags instead of the double like with the brown ones) to make the pattern look right and fill the empty spaces. I also got a short cream basket to go on top to hold random toys like the large cars. I am so happy that I did this and so are the kids when they go to find one of their toys it's not so hard to find them. (oh and the birthday bag is gone to lol)
Mr. A and Monkey at Pizza Hut. Mr. A has been doing Book-It the reading program put on by Pizza Hut so we took him in for his reward...A personal pizza just for him! We had a lot of fun and the pizza we got was delicious.
Aww brotherly love!
This is one of the square foot gardens...again the measurements are wrong lol but they work. We still have not built the lids but the cage is working for now.
Some or our veggies I can't wait to eat them!
Here is our herbs and pepper one.
This is a tree in the far out backyard I think it looks so cool.
Two little birdy friends that our making nests in our carport. They only look innocent right now lol.
This is our plum tree in the front yard you can also see the area we run the horses in to the right and the chicken coop in the left but just a little.
We don't really know what the red berries are that grow on this tree...at least I don't remember.
My sisters pet bunny.
Mr. A dumping his compost into the bin. Like his cowboy boots? He also dressed himself lol.
Here he is stirring it with a stick.
We rehung the bird houses since the storm seems to be behind us now.
This is the boys swing they got for their birthday. The basketball hoop is laying down because again the storm was knocking it down too,
A picture of the sky it looked pretty cool.
This is a close up of the same picture above.
Here I am finally a new picture :)
Well I hope you enjoyed the updates and there are more coming :)
great pics. I dont know how to become a follower but leave some instructions and I will do it
ReplyDeleteIf you look in the right hand column you will see a button that says Follow. It's right above the pictures of people that are following me :). Thanks you for the compliment I love taking pictures and my camera is awesome. I wish I had taken some photography classes when I was younger.
ReplyDeleteFollowing from MBC. Please stop by lionessrebirthorg.blogspot.com
Congrats on your new camera! Great Shots...love the clouds at the top of your blog! :) Lots of fun ahead!
ReplyDeleteThank you I'm loving it I have so many more to post but it will have to wait until tomorrow I'm learning my lesson about my late night spelling abilities :)
ReplyDeleteMy hubby has a Canon (Rebel) and it's awesome. My point and shoot cameras do an 'ok' job but that Canon is amazing. Love the photo of the green grass! And nice pic of yourself too :)
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
I'm sorry Blossom I didn't see your comment earlier! I liked my point and shoot camera too but I broke it and wanted something that had a back that closed. This was it. Thank you for the compliments :)