Sun Kissed Sky

Sun Kissed Sky
The sunrise kissed clouds by our house

Saturday, February 5, 2011

High's and Low's

Before moving into my parent's house we had a nightly tradition with our boys.  At dinner time we would always ask what their high of the day was and what their low was.  Since moving in here we have only done it a few times.  It's really hard to keep up on it with so many people coming and going at all times.  A lot of the time we don't sit down to family dinners any more.
Tonight after filling the boys plates and then my own I began to walk toward the couch when I thought about the highs and lows tradition.  I turned around and sat with my boys at the table it was just the four of us at the time and I asked 'so what where your highs and lows today'.  Monkey was first and he said his high was when he was allowed to get up from his nap.  His low was when he got in a fight with Mr. A over his bike. 

Mr. A was next his high was getting to play with his friends at the Mom's group today.  His low was also the fight he got into with his brother over the bike.  He was ashamed of himself for his jealousy and then for his actions.  He was kicking the handlebars of his brothers bike while he was trying to ride it.  I had asked him if he had asked Monkey if he could ride it.  Mr. A's sad little voice said 'no'.  He had went over to his brother and apologized and the two had sat cuddled on the couch playing Leapster. 

Back to dinner time, I told the boys that my high today was going to the Mom's group and my low was also their fighting and it had made me sad.  I then asked what they could do better tomorrow.  Monkey said he would try to go to go to sleep faster at nap time.  Mr. A said that he would try to be nicer.  I said that I would try to not yell so much tomorrow.  I have missed this ritual.  It's a time for us to reflect on what we have done and see what is important to each other and what really has been a let down for them.  I am so amazed by their answers and have so many 'ahha they are listening' moments during this time.  I love getting to be a part of their hearts and minds.  I think that this is how our heavenly father feels.  He is waiting for us to sit down uninterrupted with him so that he can listen to our highs and lows for the day.  One of our rules is that you have to have a high but a low is optional if they can't think of any.  Their high can be something so little like 'my high is this dinner' but there has to be one. We are usually really good about giving God our lows but we need to tell him our highs too.  Life is so full of both sides it's a roller coaster for sure.  We need to be able to say 'thank you so much for my high today God' so that our lows don't become our main focus.   I hope to teach my boys to be thankful even on a day when they really can't think of anything good.  Our minds should lead our hearts.  If your not feeling thankful for your highs maybe it's because you haven't been diligently looking for them.  It helps when you know that at dinner someone is going to ask you and you have to have an answer.  (I find this makes me think much more about my highs because when those little faces look at me I want to have a ready answer so I can be a good example).  Dinner tomorrow?  Yep we will be at the table together and once again I will ask 'what's your high and low?'

So friends...what is your high and low for today?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blog :) thanks for the follow, following you back from MBC :)


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