Mr. A has a favorite subject I'm sure I've talked about it before but if you don't remember what it is
it's science! A review for an online science program came up called Supercharged Science and I
got it. To start off you really need to watch the start up video and do some reading and looking around on the website to understand how to use it. I don't want that to sound daunting but it really does help because there is a lot on the site.
I keep saying it for all my reviews this month but again we had the flu so pictures are not included.
The good news is even I am just about well again yay!
So right away on the home page for e-Science before you even get to the lessons there's a latest news section where you will find a couple of articles that have experiments in them. Next to the news section is the parent resources and right now there's a game available on there called Space-opoly. Space-opoly is a game about space that is just like Monopoly and looks like a lot of fun. Below that there are two more sections one is where you'll find the syllabus and schedule and the outreach program where you can earn e-science for free by telling others about the program you'll have to go there to read more about that. You can see those sections in the picture up above.
At the top of the page there are tabs for the different pages if you click on Topics it takes you to the study units. There are up to 19 units available right now with the 20th coming soon. There is also a section for the Scientific Method, award winning science projects, mathemagic, and a section where you can learn about their science e-camp. I did tell you there was a lot on here!
So how did we use the program? Well I had all three boys sit down at my computer and played the video from the unit we were learning and then we listened in to the teleclass. My boys heard about the science notebooks so they ran off and got some notebooks off our shelves and started drawing from what Aurora (the owner of Supercharged Science and teacher) talked about. Even Pumpkin got involved...for a time.
He didn't last very long honestly during the second unit he just didn't want to participate any more and if I tried he just distracted his brothers (hey he's four right?)
Mr A and Monkey loved to listen in though and yell out answers when Aurora asked questions and do the little 'experiments' that she had them do during their teleclass. Checking out gravity on how it pulls us and every thing back down to the earth was quite fun for them. What boy doesn't like dropping things? The boys were also really excited about magnetic cereal! How cool we did not know that! There were several more experiments and some pages to read like the one on Newton's laws. After you do the reading and the experiments there are exercise pages where you and your child can see what and how much they learned from the unit. If you need the answers though there is a button for the answers so you can check your answers.
I would pick out a favorite part but honestly my boys really enjoyed listening to Aurora teach when she talks it feels like she is right there and she talks well but on their level so it's not to complicated. They really enjoyed the experiments and even journaling which I thought they would never do since Mr. A hates writing but he mostly used it to draw out what he liked from the lessons.
Another bonus to the site is the tab at the top of the screen that says shopping lists and you can pick what unit your on and see what you'll need or what you have already on hand. I had a lot on hand but there was also a lot that we needed to get with some of the experiments.
My overall opinion is that it's really a worthwhile program it's $37 a month for the K-8 and $57 for the K-12 program. You do need a good internet connection to watch the videos. It starts out with a limited number of units and you get one or two more a month as you go through the lessons. Click on this link to go see the pricing for yourself and get some of your questions answered that you might have about the program and what's included Get started . One more thing I love how accessible Aurora is. She will answer any of your questions and she's there commenting with you on the site. I just love that she's really involved. She also really seems to care and love to teach the children. (Ok that was more than one thing lol)
To read some more reviews from the Schoolhouse Review Crew click here.
I hope you enjoyed this review I really enjoyed the program and the chance to use it!
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