I was given a chance to review The Schoolhouse Teachers website from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Right when I logged on I was impressed there's so much there! It starts at PreK and goes all the way through high school. There are different tabs across the top for different areas including the Lesson Archives under Teacher, PreK/Elementary tab, middle school, high school, family, dailies, extras, a library, samples, and a tour. I went under the Pre-k/Elementary link since that's where my kids are at right now.
I spent a lot of time just reading about the authors and I love how their sections have a little bit about them and their topic and why they think it's important. My favorite section I clicked on was the classical history where I read about how learning the Egyptians gods can help illuminate the Bibles plagues on the Egyptian peoples which really meant a lot to me. I have been thinking about eliminating the study of the gods since I recently learned that people still believe in the gods and that we know some of those people. I can see now why it's so important to learn it though and we'll be learning it here along side the Bible.
History is actually one of the things that I have been slacking in this year which is probably why I was so stuck on that section. I just didn't know where to start or how. We've had so much going on that we've skipped history, art, science, languages, and music. I know...I'm actually embarrassed to mention that. We are going to continue with our easy schedule until after Christmas and I'll be adding in these classes back to the schedule for January. That will give me the rest of the month to print, organize, and schedule! I am so glad to have this site to help with that! I had heard about it in my emails but kept brushing it off after all I'm busy I kept telling myself. Boy what a loss! I was missing so much! If you have excuses for not visiting the site trust me throw them out the window this site is amazing!
There is so much on the site that I will just share the history lesson we did and then at the end talk about some different things I looked up and really liked about the actual site. I feel like sharing the lesson is a really good sample of what we were looking at and doing though. While we do not do Classical Conversations (CC) I really want to and so that's why I stuck with the Classical History. Since we are new to the site we went all the way to October and got started on week one. I am going to have to get the book and some of those history cards from CC! My son loved the lesson!
I pulled up a map of Mesopotamia I didn't see one on the site so I just looked one up on Google. Mesopotamia was the first lesson on week one and we followed along pointing out the different things we read about and then we watched the clip that was linked which spurred on some great questions on the vocabulary used along with questions about the people. I printed out the coloring page of a Ziggurat and he sat down to color it. We don't have the books mentioned in the further reading so we just used Google to look up some more information which was fine if I didn't owe the library an arm and a leg we could have gone there and looked for the books yikes. Don't worry I will be paying them for my late fines in the new year!
There was also a link in it to a video that said it was for older students but my eight year old, Mr. A, watched it and it got him so fired up. Suddenly he was saying God's real! Can you believe this and that and look! He was so excited. I wondered what I'd been doing.....I had to ask and he just didn't know. I'm very glad he watched it obviously. Yay Mesopotamia study! Now having said that I also must say it was a bit much here and there and he did get confused on some of what it talked about so please do preview the videos when they warn you!
I talked with my husband showing him a little of the site and what it offered us while Mr. A told his dad all about Mesopotamia. My husband isn't into homeschooling as much as I am he just lets us do our thing but he was impressed and when he saw what was on the site he was very happy that we have it as a resource.
I was also very happy to get this years Schoolhouse Planner which is available as a free download when your a member of the site. That will really come in handy since I didn't buy one this year thinking I could go without a plan and I was wrong! It really seems to me like there is so much on this site the only thing I need now is to go buy some more paper and ink! I'll be printing out quite a bit starting with some Egyptian lessons this week!
Schoolhouse Teachers is running a special right now and it really is worth it to look into it just click on the name here and you will be taken to their promo page. They are offering this site up for one whole year for just $49 usually this site costs $64.26 for a whole year! (This price is for the U.S.A alone for Canadian buyers you can call 1.888.718.4663 to pay an additional $25 for shipping.) There's more that goes along with it including a tote bag so do check it out.
To see what other reviewers are saying please check out the Crew website!
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product
through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not
required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All
opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing
this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.
that was a good review read. :)
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to stop in and see what others had done from the TOS review crew. :)
Good read. Glad you are keeping busy with something great and making a contribution