It's been a busy day moving into the fifth wheel with my three boys and going through some of my boxes. Gotta get some space and stretch. It'll be interesting. I'm still looking for a home to rent so if anyone hears of one thats in my price range let me know :). In some ways I wish I hadn't jumped on the house so soon I'd still have my duplex. At the same time I am so happy to not have the neighbors that I did before. Trying to live with a pot spot light shining in my window all night, people cussing and yelling all hours of the day and night, them blowing up a propane tank next to my house and shaking it with the blast, spitting on my downstairs windows, and all the other things they did was more than I wanted. What kind of example do I want to set for my children? What kind of examples do I want them to encounter day after day? I'd rather live with my loud rambunctious family than in that duplex any day. Homeschool in a camper anyone? Well the boys think it'll be great like a great big camping trip except you get to go to grandmas for the bathroom, showers and dinner lol.
I spent time today remembering those that the world lost on this day all those years ago and my friend Ryan that died from cancer just the other day ago. I hope you all spent time remembering 9-11 we will never forget!